Apa Itu Nigerian Scam?
Nigerian Scam atau disebut juga dengan Nigerian 419 scam adalah tipe penipuan atau fraud dan juga tipe penipuan yang membuat kerahasiaan akan terancam. Ada banyak varian dari scam ini seperti Nigerian Letter, Spanish Prisoner, Black money scam dan lainnya. Angka 419 ini mengacu pada Pada Hukum Pidana yang berhubungan dengan penipuan.
Asal Nigerian Scam
Jenis penipuan ini dinamakan dengan Nigerian Scam karena memang berhubungan dengan negara Nigeria khususnya pada tahun 1990-an. Akan tetapi, jenis penipuan ini tidak hanya terjadi di Nigeria namun juga dilakukan banyak organisasi di berbagai negara seluruh dunia.
Asal mula penipuan ini masih menjadi perdebatan dan beberapa pendapat mengatakan jika ini dimulai di Nigeria pada tahun 1970-an dan sebagian pendapat lagi mengatakan jika asal usul Nigerian Scam ini berasal dari ratusan tahun lalu yakni Spanish Prisoner Scam. Berikut akan kami jelaskan tentang asam muasal Nigerian Scam.
1. Versi Awal Nigerian Scam
pada abad ke-17, versi awal penipuan ini digunakan di Eropa yang dikenal dengan nama Spanish Prisoner Fraud dimana scammer akan mengaku sebagai tahanan yang mengetahui keberadaan harta terpendam. Ia kemudian akan meminta uang agar bisa menyuap para penjaga di penjara sehingga bisa melarikan diri untuk mengambil harta karun tersebut.
Sebagai imbalannya, tahanan tersebut berjanji untuk membagi harta karun dengan target penipuannya. Namun sebenarnya orang tersebut tidak berada di penjara dan hanya mengarang cerita untuk mendapatkan uang dari targetnya.
2. Versi Modern Nigerian Scam
Versi yang lebih modern dari Nigerian Scam ini biasanya dilakukan lewat email yang biasanya melibatkan harta karun, jackpot lotre, pembagian rekening besar atau beberapa cerita lain yang dikarang untuk menjelaskan kenapa sejumlah uang tunai harus dikirim calon korban.
Mereka akan mengarang cerita yang masuk akal untuk menjelaskan kenapa sejumlah uang harus dibayar di muka lewat email.
3. Nigerian Scam Terbaru
Nigerian Scam ini sudah di-email ke ratusan juta orang sampai sekarang yang mengklaim jika uang dalam jumlah besar tersimpan di bank Nigeria namun pemilik akun yang sah tidak bisa mengakses uang tersebut. Mereka akan meminta uang muka pada korban dan nantinya korban akan mendapatkan imbalan berupa uang. Namun yang sebenarnya terjadi adalah uang di rekening korbanlah yang habis dicuri.
Cara Kerja Nigerian Scam
Nigerian Scam ini biasanya dilakukan lewat fax atau surat tradisional dan kini dilakukan dengan media internet dengan operandi seorang yang kaya raya ingin mentransfer dana dari sebuah bank sebab ia baru saja mewarisi harta dan kesulitan untuk mendapatkan harta tersebut atau meminta anda untuk membantu mereka mentransfer kekayaan pribadi milik mereka ke luar negara.
Scammer secara tiba tiba akan menghubungi anda lewat pesan teks, email, syrat atau juga bisa lewat media sosial. Scammer kemudian akan bercerita jika sejumlah uang yang mereka miliki terperangkap di bank ketika sebuah peristiwa sedang terjadi seperti kudeta atau perang saudara. Selain itu, mereka mungkin akan menceritakan tentang warisan besar yang sulit untuk mereka akses karena ada batasan pemerintah atau pajak di negara mereka.
Nantinya, scammer akan menawarkan sejumlah uang pada anda agar mau membantu mereka untuk mentransfer kekayaan pribadi mereka ke luar negeri. Scammer akan meminta detail rekening bank yang anda miliki untuk membantu mereka mentransfer uang tersebut dan nantinya informasi data tersebut akan mereka gunakan untuk mencuri uang anda.
Ciri Ciri Nigerian Scam
Agar anda bisa lebih waspada dan tidak tertipu dengan Nigerian Scam, beberapa ciri ciri Nigerian Scam dibawah ini patut untuk anda waspadai.
- Anda akan dihubungi atau mendapat email dari orang yang tidak dikenal atau email spam.
- Email tersebut mengatakan jika mendapat email anda dari sumber terpercaya namun mereka sendiri tidak bisa menyebutkan nama anda di awal email dan biasanya hanya memakai Hello Friend atau Dear Friend.
- Mereka akan menawarkan uang dalam jumlah besar yang ditambahkan dengan beberapa cerita seperti konflik, perang, warisan dan sebagainya.
- Mereka kemudian akan meminta nomor rekening anda dan meminta anda untuk mengirimkan sejumlah uang ke rekening mereka dan terkadang juga menggunakan nama perusahaan terkenal.
- Kalimatnya memang terlihat sopan namun biasanya bahasa Inggris yang digunakan berantakan.
- Mereka memakai alamat email gratis seperti gmail, hotmail, yahoo, aol dan sebagainya.
- Email jenis ini biasanya akan masuk dalam folder spam namun terkadang juga bisa masuk ke inbox anda.
Cara Menghindari Nigerian Scam
Agar anda tidak terkena Nigerian Scam ini, ada beberapa cara yang bisa anda lakukan, seperti:
- Jangan pernah mengirim uang atau memberi detail kartu kredit yang anda miliki, detail akun online dan juga salinan dokumen pribadi pada orang lain yang tidak anda kenal dan tidak terpercaya.
- Hindari membuat perjanjian dengan orang asing yang meminta anda untuk membayar di muka lewat money order, wire transfer, transfer dana internasional, kartu pre-loaded atau mata uang elektronik seperti Bitcoin.
- Jangan menyetujui transfer uang pada orang lain sebab pencucian uang merupakan tindak pidana.
- Apabila ada seseorang yang mengklaim berasa dari sebuah organisasi tertentu, maka verifikasi identitas tersebut dengan cara menghubungi langsung organisasi yang relevan lewat sumber terpercaya.
- Cari nama, kontak atau kata kata dalam email tersebut untuk memeriksa referensi ke scam yang biasanya bisa diidentifikasi lewat cara ini.
Dari sebuah artikel di surat kabar pada tahun 1997, wilayah Amerika Serikat sudah mengalami kerugian hingga lebih dari $ 100 Juta hanya dalam 15 bulan. Dari pernyataan Bank Sentral Nigeria atau CBN menyatakan jika penipuan yang menggunakan nama Nigeria ini sudah melakukan pemerasan hingga jutaan Dolar dari penduduk Amerika Serikat, Asia dan juga Eropa dengan kedok yang sama yakni mentransfer uang ke luar negeri.
Bank Sentral Nigeria yang asli sudah memberi peringatan pada masyarakat luas tentang penipuan ini dan bahkan mereka juga memasang iklan hingga setengah halaman untuk menjelaskan penipuan dan sebagai peringatan agar tidak mengalami kerugian karena Nigerian Scam tersebut seperti salah satunya surat kabar Amerika Serikat edisi Los Angeles Times 27 Oktober 1998 dimana dalam iklan tersebut juga disebutkan beberapa variasi baru dari Nigerian Scam ini.
Beberapa variasi terbaru dari Nigerian Scam diarahkan khususnya pada organisasi amal dan juga badan keagamaan di luar negeri yang melibatkan warisan palsu dan surat wasiat. Bahkan strategi baru dari Nigerian Scam ini juga menawarkan cara memakai bahan kimia untuk mengubah kertas biasa menjadi uang dolar Amerika Serikat yang nantinya akan dibagikan oleh mereka.
Contoh E-mail Nigerian Scam
In my search for a business partner I got your contact in google search. My name is Morris William, My client Mr Tom Alexander is willing to invest $100 Million to $300 million but my client said he need a trusted partner who he can have a meeting at the point of releasing his funds.
I told my client that you have a good profile with your company which I go details about you on my search on google lookup. Can we trust you. Can we make a plan for a long term business relationship?.
Regards,Morris William
United States Investigations Services (USIS)
7799 Leesburg Pike
Suite 1100 North
Falls Church, VA 22043
Compliment of The Day,
I am Mitch Lawrence the Vice President, Security and Counterintelligence (CI) for United States Investigations Services (USIS) in alliance with Economic Community of West African states (ECOWAS) with the head Office in Nigeria. We the United States government and the United Nation, we have been working towards the eradication of Internet Scam around the globe, western part of Africa to be precise.
However, it has been revealed that there’s no fund in your name anywhere in the world, if you have been receiving e-mails from Banks, Compensation Office, Lottery, Inheritance funds e.t.c., you’re therefore advise to ignore such e-mails they are impostor/fraudster trying to rip you off your hard earn money and if you’re in communication with any person or office claiming that your funds is with them, we also advise you to stop/seize further communication and transaction with such person/office immediately, they are all liars and thieves. Also you’re order to orward such emails to this office to help aid the arrest of this fraudsters and impostors.
We have been able to track down so many of this scam artist in various part of west
Africa countries which includes (NIGERIA, REPUBLIC OF BENIN, TOGO, GHANA CAMERON AND
SENEGAL), they are all in the custody of the United States Secret Agent (USSA)
Nigeria, also huge amount of money was recovered from the scam artists. In reference
to this, several indoor meeting was held between the United Nation, United States
government and the African Union in Abuja the federal capital of Nigeria, agreement
was reached that scam victims will be compensated with the money recovered from scam
artist that are in custody of the Nigeria Economic and Financial Crimes Commission
(EFCC) and the United States Secret Agent (USSA) in Nigeria.
Note this e-mail is been directed to you because during our investigations, your
email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard disk in
our custody. In reference to this regards, you will be compensated with the sum of
US$17, .500,000.00 (Seventeen Million five Hundred Thousand Dollars). Meanwhile, the
Africa Union has requested for evidence to prove you are a victim of West Africa
scam. In plight to this regards the USIS have appointed a United State base Attorney
(Barrister Anderson Lee) here in the State to advocate on your behalf and provide
the requested evidence to process the payment approval for your fund to be release
to you.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The only fee you’re to pay to the Attorney is the processing fee
$325.00 for procurment of legal evidence to prove to the West Africa Union that you
are a victim of scam. Also kindly request him to direct you on how to submit the
processing fee $325.
Kindly verify your details to Barrister Anderson Lee to enable him process and
secure evidence to aid the release of your payment to you, also make sure your
details and residential address are provided correctly to avoid any atom of mistake
and delay during processing.
(1) Your Full Name: ……………….
(2) Full Residential Address:………. (P.O.BOX NOT ALLOWED)
(3) Direct Phone Number: …………..
(4) Valid ID Card: ………………..
CONTACT PERSON: Barrister Anderson Lee
E-MAIL ADDRESS: anderson.XX@zzzzz.com
TEL: +1 (936) 262-0445
As soon as he received your details, the processing to aid the release of your
Compensation Refund will be facilitated immediately and your US$17, .500,000.00
(Seventeen Million five Hundred Thousand Dollars) will be made payable to you in due
time within the next 72 hours.
Treat as urgent!
Mitch Lawrence
Vice President, Security and Counterintelligence
United States Investigations Services (USIS)
If you’re wondering why I’m emailing you now, out of the blue, after months of radio
silence let me tell you that I have a good reason for that.
Do you remember the last time I sent you a tip? It was around November if I recall
If you bought that stock I told you about back then, you would’ve quadrupled your
money at the very least.
Now here we are, a few months later and I’ve got something else to tell you about.
Basically if you remember, I’ve got a good acquaintance who works at a law firm in
New York and when I took him out to a fancy steak dinner last Monday (with lots of
wine) he became very talkative and let me in on a little tip.
This is what I want to share with you today. He essentially told me that some time
mid next week, a small company called incapta (ticker: INCT) is going to announce
that it’s being acquired by a giant for a little over 1.30 a share (yes over a
dollar thirty, and yes it’s at just under 15 cents now)
He knows this because his law firm is the one that drafted all the paperwork for the
deal and they are expected to finalize and sign the agreements today, with the
official announcement coming some time between Tuesday and Thursday.
If you buy shares today, you are guaranteed to make approximately tenfold next week.
The way it works is if you’re holding the shares they will just take them out of
your account automatically and credit you with the cash equivalent to 1.37 or so
which you can take out whenever you want and spend on nice things.
Keep me in mind when you’re rolling in it. I expect a big thank you and maybe a
small gift!
took part in receiving Inheritance funds and Lottery funds from European banks even
from many lottery organizers few years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid
different fees while in the United States trying to get my funds from those banks
and lottery organizers but all to no avail. So I decided to travel to Nigeria with
all my compensation documents, and I was directed by the IMF Director to contact the
reconciliatory Attorney patrick morris who is an attorney, A British citizen and a
with IMF in the Nigeria and I contacted him and he explained everything to me. He
said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake. Attorney patrick morris
personally directed me on how to claim my Inheritance or Lottery payment.Right now I have received my compensation funds of $1,500,000.00 Moreover, Attorney
patrick morris as he is a very religious man with the fear of God. He showed me the
full information of those that are yet to receive their Inheritance or Lottery
payment and I saw your name as one of the beneficiaries, and your email address,
that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people, they are not
with your fund, they are only making money out of you.I will personally advise you to contact Attorney patrick morris, he will assist you.Compensation Award Office.
Name: Attorney patrick morris
Email Address: xxxccccxxx@yahoo.com
Listed below are the name of fraudsters and banks behind the non release of your
funds that I managed to sneak out for your kind perusal.
1) Mr. James B. Comey Jr.
2) Robert S. Mueller, III.
3) Mr Ban Ki-moon.
4) Ms. Carman L. Lapointe.
5) Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde.
6) Mr. Dan Rochas (I.M.F).
7) Mr Jim Ovia: Zenith Bank Plc In Nigeria.
8) Dr Godwin Emefiele.
9) Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.
10) Mr Danny Blessed.
11) Micheal Edward.
12) Miss Donna Gwen.
13) Mrs. Sherry Williams.
14) Mr Wilson Norman.
15) Dr. Patrick Aziza Deputy Governor – Policy / Board Member.
16) Barrister Walker Dickson.
17) Ms Becky Donald.
18) Mrs. Rachael Adams.
19) Mr. Wood Gates.
20) Mr. Mark Ruben.
21) Mr. Alfred Morris
You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and
telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are
only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing. NOTE:
The only money I paid after I met Attorney patrick morris was just $350.usd for the
Endorsement and clearance fee, take note of that.
Thank You and Be Blessed.
Ms Rachael Juarez,
13, Fairview Avenue, Somerville,
New Jersey 08876, united states.
Interim Assistance General Manager,
New York International Airport
55 East 52nd Street. 21st Floor. New York, NY 1002, USA
Tel: 315-235-1911
E-mail: dddd@cccc.comRe: Your Abandoned Package For DeliveryI have very vital information to give to you, but first I must have your trust
before I review it to you because it may cause me my job, so I need somebody that I
can trust for me to be able to review the secret to you.I am Mr. Daniel Johnson, head of luggage/baggage storage facilities
(Operations,Maintenance,Transportation) here at the New York International Airport
During my recent withheld package routine check at the Airport Storage Vault, I
discovered an abandoned shipment from a Diplomat from Africa and when scanned it
revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a Metal Trunk Box weighing approximately
110kg.The consignment was abandoned because the Contents of the consignment was not
properly declared by the consignee as ?ONEY?rather it was declared as personal
effect to avoid interrogation and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the
United States Non Inspection Charges which is $3,700USD. On my assumption the
consignment is still left in our Storage House here at the New York International
airport New York till date. The details of the consignment including your name, your
email address and the official documents from the United Nations office in Geneva
are tagged on the Trunk box.
However, to enable me confirm if you are the actual recipient of this consignment as
the assistant director of the Inspection Unit, I will advise you provide your
current Phone Number and Full Address, to enable me cross check if it corresponds
with the address on the official documents including the name of nearest Airport
around your city. Please note that this consignment is supposed to have been
returned to the United States Treasury Department as unclaimed delivery due to the
delays in concluding the clearance processes so as a result of this, I will not be
able to receive your details on my official email account. So in order words to
enable me cross check your details, I will advise you send the required details to
my private email address for quick processing and response. Once I confirm you as
the actual recipient of the trunk box, I can get everything concluded within 48hours
upon your acceptance and proceed your address for delivery.
Lastly, be informed that the reason I have taken it upon myself to contact you
personally about this abandoned consignment is because I want us to transact this
business and share the money 70% for you and 30% for me since the consignment has
not yet been returned to the United States Treasury Department after being abandoned
by the diplomat so immediately the confirmation is made, I will go ahead and pay for
the United States Non Inspection Fee of $3,700 dollars and arrange for the box to be
delivered to your doorstep Or I can bring it by myself to avoid any more trouble but
you have to assure me of my 30% share.
I wait to hear from you urgently if you are still alive and I will appreciate if we
can keep this deal confidential. Please get back to me via my private Email (
dddd@cccc.com )for further directives: You can call me on my telephone
number and
drop a message. 315-235-1911
Thank you.
Mr.Daniel Johnson
USA.My residential address is as follows, 7008 E Hwy 326 Silver Springs FLorida
34488 United States,am thinking of relocating since I am now rich. I am one of those
that took part in the compensation in London many years ago and they refused to pay
me, I had paid over $85,000 while in the US, trying to get my payment all to no
avail.So I decided to travel to Washington with all my compensation documents, And I was
directed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Director to contact Attorney James,
who is a representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a member of the
Compensation Award Committee, currently in USA and I contacted him and he explained
everything to me. He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake.He took me to the paying bank for the claim of my compensation payment. Right now I
am the most happiest woman on earth because I have received my compensation funds of
$5.5 Million US Dollars,Moreover,Attorney James showed me the full information of
those that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your email as one of the
beneficiaries on the list he showed me, that is why I decided to email you to stop
dealing with those people, they are not with your fund, they are only making money
out of you. I will advise you to contact Attorney James. Kinldy send your personal
details to him to prove your identification.Full Name:
Home Address:
Phone Number:
You have to contact him directly on this information below.
Compensation Award House
Email: ccc@gmail.com or ddd@gmail.com
You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and
telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are
only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing. The
only money I paid after I met Attorney James was just $355 USD for the paper works,
take note of that.
Once again stop contacting those people, I will advise you to contact Attorney James
so that he can help you to deliver your fund instead of dealing with those liars
that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete your
Thank you and be Blessed.
Mrs. Marina Luda
7008 E Hwy 326 Silver
Springs FLorida
34488 United States
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